Recognizing National Fragile X Awareness Month

July 1st marked the beginning of National Fragile X Awareness Month, and July 22 is World Fragile X Day.  The National Fragile X Foundation reports that the prevalence of FXS in males is approximately 1 in 7,000 and in females 1 in 11,000, making it a leading inherited cause of intellectual disability. We at the NDL [...]

INSAR 2023 – spotlight on graduate student presentations

Emily Landau (bottom left), fourth-year clinical psychology graduate student, presented her research at INSAR this year, and her study explored narrative (i.e. storytelling) ability, which is an important skill for social communication. Her project characterized narrative ability in autistic individuals and their first-degree relatives across contexts (high versus low structure) and different language (English and [...]

Randi J. Hagerman Summer Scholar, National Fragile X Foundation – Maureen Butler

Maureen Butler, NDL first-year doctoral student in clinical psychology, has just been announced a Randi J. Hagerman Summer Scholar by the National Fragile X Foundation! In her project proposal titled,” The Biological Basis of Pragmatic Language in Fragile X Premutation Carriers,” Maureen aims to understand how biological factors might influence pragmatic language skills among those with the fragile [...]

NDL Celebrates World Fragile X Day

The NDL is proud to celebrate World Fragile X day today. We had the pleasure of attending the International Fragile X Conference this past weekend and are looking forward to participating in NFXF X Strides Virtual Run/Walk later this month. We would like to thank all of our fragile X families for their commitment to [...]

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