Due to the rarity of certain diseases such as Rhetts and Fragile-X Syndrome, funding for research and resources is limited. Too often, those affected by rare diseases are left feeling helpless and alone. Family members of those impacted must care for themselves, the rest of their family, and an individual affected by such. The current COVID-19 pandemic has seemed to exacerbate that problem on two fronts. Families are under more stress as they struggle to cope with the pandemic on top of caring for their child, and “research […] has largely been halted as labs closed in response to coronavirus fears.” The need is very much present but the help is diminishing. Although our lab has had to adapt and think of creative ways to continue the much-needed work into understanding Fragile-X syndrome, we are proud to inform you that our research will continue and we will continue to fight this together. If you would like more information about what our work is or how you can get involved in our research please don’t hesitate to reach out to familystudy@northwestern.edu or 847-467-2516. We will continue to work tirelessly together for those in need!