Our lab has collaborated with Gary Martin, along with former PhD students in our lab, Drs. Shivani Patel and Lauren Bush on the publication of the Handbook of Pragmatic Language Disorders. This handbook examines pragmatic (or social) language differences across a wide range of populations, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), fragile X syndrome (FXS), and Down syndrome, and offers up-to-date insights on the complex neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric basis of these conditions. Our chapter, led by Dr. Martin, focused on FXS, the most common known genetic cause of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This important chapter highlights pragmatic strengths and weaknesses across males and females with FXS in an accessible way. We are proud to have contributed to this valuable text, that will help to enhance knowledge of neurodevelopmental conditions, and facilitate support in local and global communities. Click here to access more information about the book and be sure to check our website for updates on our studies and publications