Seeking families to help us figure out the fragile X equation.
The Neurodevelopmental Diversity Laboratory at Northwestern University is currently recruiting participants for an investigation intended to:
- study carriers of the FMR1 premutation to determine how language and other skills developed over their childhood; and
- identify characteristics potentially related to the FMR1 gene, and understand how they might relate to language and social traits evident across development.
We’re searching for individuals with fragile X syndrome or with the FMR1 premutation and their family members, as well as people without fragile X or the premutation, and their families. We’re currently recruiting families from Greater Chicago, and across the country to complete our in-person and online research activities.
Your level of participation is up to you. Your commitment can range from simply answering some questionnaires to full participation – doing some tasks involving words, sentences, pictures, and sounds; doing puzzles; solving problems; and completing some non-invasive brain-activity measurements.
This study is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health. All participants are compensated for their time, as well as for travel and parking.