New Publication from the NDL

This publication represents over 5 years of work, where we visited families throughout Iowa for research assessments as part of the first stage of our NIH-funded Family Genetic Study of Language in Autism, resulting in important findings that highlight key childhood academic profiles in parents that predict features of autism in the next generation. To [...]

2018-08-15T23:44:48-05:00Recent Lab News|

National Fragile X Foundation Advocacy Day

Beginning February 28th through March 1st of 2017, the annual event, “National Fragile X Foundation Advocacy Day” will be taking place. Our research lab advocates for the National Fragile X Foundation by hosting a Fragile X Awareness Walk annually at Northwestern University.

2019-04-11T12:56:53-05:00Events, News|

Employing Adults with Autism

Autism Speaks, New York Collaborates for Autism (NYCA) and the Poses Family Foundation are expanding an innovative program to hire, train, and retain employees on the autism spectrum. Our research lab partners with Project SEARCH Collaborates for Autism at Northwestern University, which provides students with autism, who are in their last year of high school, [...]

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